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Thursday, May 14, 2009

And she read past midnight !

Its taken a while, but I have finally finished this piece. Now I just have to come up with a suitable title. I think " And alice read until midnight" is a bit long. As is " one chapter led to two" But " Riveting book" is possibly too short. I dont know......give me some ideas if your wouldn't mind.
I love doing pieces like this. But, my family, dont seem to like my " cartoon" pieces as they call them. Its the same old unspoken " and when are you going to do some real art" that drags me down a little. Its hard to explain, that, I am these whimsical people that I draw, I model for them, feel what they are feeling, and bring them to life. . They make me feel the child within, and I'm automatically feeling hopeful inside, that life is a wondrous thing, and there are lots of good things out there waiting for us.


magicmyst said...

I just showed Sean your picture and he described it as "Wierd but effective stuff".

Looks great Wendi. It has a gorgeous feel and once again it makes me happy. It needs to be in a book. You write lovely informative pieces, maybe you could write and illustrate your own book, based on this picture for inspiration. The Alice could be the star for her own book.

perugina said...

Great to see this piece finished Wendi, the extra work has really pushed the illustration out and given it definition.
I love the title.. I am notorious for long titles and I can relate – my titles are books unto themselves – lol!!!
I can also relate to your feeling ‘down’ with the statement made here with regard to ‘real art’.. i also say and have had others now recognise, ”I am these whimsical people that I draw, I model for them, feel what they are feeling, and bring them to life.”it is what makes you happy and I do see you and your joy within these pictures!! I also feel joy when I am painting what I say in terms of my own work, “fanciful silliness” I think I stated this in my blog somewhere all I can say in hopes that you feel better is – bring it on! Always be true to your art, that’s where your heart will be!
PS.. i also aggree with what Kay has said here re a book!
If i haven't made sense here.. i will blame the Italian side - this side usually doesn't make sense! LOL!!!! and please accept my apologies.

Wendi. S. said...

Thanks Kay, And tell sean thanks for the feedback. wouldn't a book be wonderful.
Perugina, thanks,you made sense to me, and thats what matters. of course you understand, as you work is as much a part of you. Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Wendi.. totally love it!!!

Crazy beautiful! And poo poo to those who say it's not real art.. they wouldn't know real art if it punched them in the nose!

Wendi. S. said...

LOL, thanks Lauren. Sometimes, you wanna biff em, dont you? At least I'm drawing, and working thru the artist block. heh?

Vesna said...

Hay Wendi...I think she is beyond adorable, and the title is GOOD too...don't worry about 'real art' stuff, at least you werent told that Alice looks like a 'playboy bunny' much as we would like to not have these words get to us, they bloody do...haven't you noticed I only draw heads these days LOL...this industry is hard and tough enough without us constantly questioning ourselves as well...just DRAW WENDI and be a child again !!!!

Wendi. S. said...

Vesna youre a Gem !!! Thanks heaps.